A branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels and circulatory system. These diseases include coronary artery disease, heart rhythm problems and heart failure.
This specialty is geared toward patients of all ages, and is performed to check and understand the health of the heart in order to prevent and/or treat cardiovascular disease.
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What are the diseases treated by Internal Medicine
What problem do we want to solve with this specialty?
Our goal is to make an early detection of any sign or symptom that suggests the presence of cardiovascular disease in our patients; since these types of diseases often present themselves without pain and without obvious symptoms. For that reason, they often go untreated. This can lead to even more serious health problems, such as heart attack, stroke or kidney damage.
What is especially dangerous about cardiovascular diseases is that you can have more than one at a time without even knowing it. For this reason, detection and diagnosis is of vital importance to preserve the patient’s life, since only then can we provide the correct treatment to solve this health condition and reduce the risk of complications.