Gluteoplasty or buttock augmentation
La gluteoplastia o aumento de glúteos se puede realizar de dos maneras:
- With fat injection, by means of a lipotransfer: consists of injecting fat extracted from some area of the patient’s body in order to give volume, projection and improve the shape of the buttocks.
- With implants or prosthesis: consists of placing gel or silicone prosthesis under the gluteus maximus in order to increase the size of the buttocks.
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How is the procedure performed?
The fat transfer is performed after liposuction, since the extracted fat is filtered and purified and then a small incision is made in the middle part of the buttocks and in the lower grooves to inject the fat.
The gluteoplasty is performed through an intergluteal incision, so that the scars are not noticeable. The intramuscular implants are inserted through these holes and the incisions are sutured.
What type of anesthesia is used?
Postoperative care
- Take or apply the medications ordered by the surgeon in the corresponding schedule.
- Do not take any medication that has not been recommended by the surgeon.
- It is recommended to walk fifteen minutes every hour, this in order to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
- Do not carry out any type of physical activity, or efforts or carry weight during the first three months.
- Keep the strong compression antiembolism stockings on, at least for the first fifteen days. They should only be removed when bathing.
- Eat a proper diet that is rich in iron, vitamins and minerals which will help to raise and stabilize the hemoglobin.
- Attend medical check-ups when they are scheduled.
- Watch for signs of possible infection in the surgical wound such as: redness, heat, inflammation, blood or pus discharge.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption during the recovery and healing process.
- Ideally the patient should sleep on the stomach or side during the first 3 or 4 weeks.
- If you are going to sit preferably for short periods to avoid any abuse in the area of the buttocks.
- Perform a good cleaning in the vaginal area and in the inter gluteal area to avoid any type of infection.
Frequently Asked Questions
Knowing which of the two techniques to choose to increase the size of the buttocks depends on the result that the patient wishes to obtain.
The injection or fat transfer to the buttocks is indicated for patients who wish to increase the volume and improve the shape of the buttocks in a natural way and with subtle changes. With this technique is achieved to increase the size and improve the shape of the buttocks, but there is a percentage of fat approximately 30 0 40% is reabsorbed, the remaining is attached to muscle.
The gluteal implant is ideal for patients who want a significant increase in the size of the buttocks, since being an increase with gluteal implants the size does not decrease.