This procedure seeks to reposition prominent ears to a more normal position, closer to the head, or to reduce the size of large ears. This procedure can be performed as early as 4 years of age, since the ears are considered to be almost fully grown.
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How is the procedure performed?
A small incision is made in the back of the ear, the cartilage is shaved to reshape the ear and then fixed with stitches into a better shape. In most cases, the surgery leaves only a small scar that improves with time and is almost imperceptible.
What type of anesthesia is used?
It can be performed under general anesthesia or with general anesthesia, according to the surgeon’s and anesthesiologist’s criteria.
Recovery time
The return time to daily activities is approximately one week.
Postoperative care
- Avoid exposure to the sun until the bruises have disappeared, as they run the risk of pigmentation of the skin when exposed to the sun.
- Avoid sleeping on your side so as not to put pressure on your ears.
- Do not remove the bandage left by the doctor.
- Take and apply the medications ordered by the surgeon in the corresponding schedule.
- Do not take any medication that has not been ordered by the specialist.
- It is recommended to walk slowly for fifteen minutes every hour, in order to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.
- Maintain an adequate hygiene, according to the physician’s indications.
- Attend medical check-ups when scheduled.
- Watch for signs of possible infection in the surgical wound such as: redness, heat, inflammation, pus discharge.
Frequently Asked Questions
After the surgery a small scar may be observed, this is permanent but with time it will improve as it heals. Also, as it is located in the back of the ear, the scar will be totally imperceptible.
It can be performed from the age of 4 years when the ears have finished forming.
Yes, after the operation a bandage is placed around the head so that the ears are completely fixed and that the healing is correct. This bandage lasts approximately five days.